Thursday, June 28, 2012

Finally, Detective Dick Tracy can go to bed!

Some things don't translate.  

De Dick Tracy à votre poignet

Radio-reloj de Dick Tracy

En 1952, Dick Tracy apparu par la voix de sa montre-bracelet. Même à l'époque la plus proche distance de télécommunications a été la radio (radio et qu'ils ont appelé les deux sens du poignet) aujourd'hui il est plus facile d'entrer dans le téléphone mobile pour une montre-bracelet.

In 1952, Dick Tracy became the voice of his wristwatch. Even in the days closest distance telecommunications was the radio (radio and they called two-way wrist) today it is easier to enter the mobile phone in a wristwatch.


La montre de Dick Tracy est disponible
Le détective Dick Tracy peut aller se coucher, le vidéotéléphone cellulaire est enfin prêt pour votre poignet. C'est le fabricant Hyundai qui présente le premier appareil qui peut se réclamer de l'héritage du célèbre personnage de bande dessinée. La montre/cellulaire fonctionne dans l'environnement GSM avec un écran tactile qui permet d'utiliser ses fonctions de cellulaire, de baladeur, d'appareil photo et vidéo.

Dick Tracy's watch is available
Detective Dick Tracy can go to bed, the cellular videophone is finally ready for your wrist. It is the manufacturer Hyundai introduced the first device that can claim the legacy of the famous cartoon character. The watch / cell phone works in the GSM environment with a touch screen that allows the use of cellular functions, Walkman, camera and video.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Deborah Filanowksi featured June 14 at Poetry Thursdays


Pine Grove poet, Deborah Filanowksi, will be featured at Poetry Thursdays, June 14, at the Midtown Cinema’s Reel Cafe, 250 Reily Street, Harrisburg.

She is active with Stray Dog Poets in Schuylkill County where she lives and is also associated with the BerksBards and other readings throughout Northcentral PA.

Filanowski is a native of West Virginia and has lived in PA for 30 years. She hosted a monthly poetry reading at Stonehedge Gardens for several years and was instrumental in organizing The North Eastern Pennsylvania Poetry Festival held at Stonehedge Gardens in Tamaqua from 2006 to 2009. Her book…and guppies eat their young was published by Plan B Press in conjunction with the “Lancaster OutLoud Poetry Festival” in September 2001 and a second printing was made in 2005.

Filanowski's feature presentation begins at 8pm, following an 7pm open mic. Poetry Thursdays, now into its 14th year as a weekly poetry series, is sponsored by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.

For more information: (717) 909-6566.