Monday, May 21, 2012

Veasey Returns Home, Esworthy and O’Leary Rockey Sway the Museum

Poetry reading at The Fox Chase Reading Series May 20, 2012 at Ryerss Museum and Library. Jack Veasey was featured along with Christine O'Leary-Rockey and Marty Esworthy

The Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel from Harrisburg, Pa. came to visit Ryerss Museum. Christine O’Leary Rockey and Marty Esworthy entertained the crowd with a joint reading and Jack Veasey returned home for his first reading in Philadelphia since 1991. The audience listened to a talented open mic group of Christian Thiede, Maria James Thiaw, Bill Fritz and Krystle Griffin. Photos of the event are available at this link:


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dan Waber featured at Poetry Thursdays



Dan Waber will be featured at Poetry Thursdays, May 10, held at Midtown Cinema’s Reel Cafe, 250 Reily Street, Harrisburg.


Waber is a Pennsylvania visual poet, publisher, and multimedia artist whose work appears on college-level hypermedia syllabi around the world.

Past efforts have appeared in print, in performance, and in digital and gallery exhibitions in places like Recursive Angel, Vispo and Riding The Meridian.

He has pieces in the Electronic Literature Collection, Vol. 1, the textbook The Art of English, and is a featured guest at He is also the publisher of the “this is visual poetry” series of full-color chapbooks, and a series of visual poetry posters.

Waber writes a recurring column on visual poetry for the e-issues of Rattle magazine, and will be talking about poetry off the page at the University of Arizona in May. He’s passionate about what he does and loves to share his enthusiasm with others. The hub of the online portion of Waber’s activities would be

His feature presentation begins at 8pm, following an 7 o’clock open mic. Poetry Thursdays, in its 14th year as a weekly poetry series, is sponsored by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel. For more information: (717) 909-6566.