March 15– Ides of March open reading
March 22– Annette Russell
Exposed: A Real Life in Real Words, Russell's latest verse collection, began as a small project for author Russell's family and friends, but it became a collection of poems telling her life story. Originally from South Philadelphia, Russell now resides in Lebanon, Pennsylvania with my daughters. “Writing poetry,” she says, “allows me to acknowledge and express my feelings and the things that I’m going through.” Her words mirror things that many others are feeling. Russell says “I’m a voice for the silent…Poetry allows me the freedom to face anything on my own terms. I use it to heal and deal!”
March 29– open reading
April 5-- open reading
April 12-- Brandon Dameshek
Brandon Dameshek's poetry has been published in Portrait, The Coe Review, The Cimarron Review, The Columbia Poetry Review, The Harrisburg Review, and, most recently, The Wildwood Journal. The Fall 2004 issue of Memorious published an interview he conducted with poet Bruce Weigl. He received the Eileen Lannan Prize for Poetry in Spring 1999. He is an adjunct faculty member of the Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) English Department.
April 19-- open reading
April 26-- Grant Clauser
Grant Clauser is editor-in-chief for E-Gear magazine (a newsstand magazine about electronics) and editorial director for a Philadelphia-based publishing company. He lives with his wife and two daughters in Hatfield, Pennsylvania. Poems have appeared in various literary journals including The Literary Review, The Wisconsin Review, The Cumberland Poetry Review, The Maryland Poetry Review, Cincinnati Poetry Review.
May 3-- Mayday! Mayday!
May 10-- Dan Waber
May 17-- open reading
May 24-- Jack Veasey
May 31-- open reading
June 7-- open reading
June 14 --Deborah Filanowski